

We are building a free online library of videos, texts and other resources for aspiring activists. With the help of our resident activists, it is constantly updated and expanded. You may use it regardless of whether you are seeking a certificate or a residency.

Stipends for Activists-in-Residency

We offer stipends via our Activists-in-Residency program.


Your study may be self-guided and self-paced. The residency, of course, provides opportunities to interact with instructors. You can leave out 2 classes and 2 workshops.

Philosophy and Theory

ClassDescriptionWhy Activists Need this
Financial SystemThe financial system is opaque and mysterious to us, and yet defines much of what exists — and what cannot exist. There is no useful understanding of our society without an understanding of its core.
Some activist programs are so contrary to the tides and currents of the financial system that they have little chance of success. Others exploit loose links in the system. Know your system.
History of Popular MovementsIf we look at movements that have worked or failed in the past, we can gain intuition about what can work in the future.Don’t repeat obvious mistakes of the past.
History of Public RelationsFreud’s nephew, Edward Barneys used Freud’s insights about human nature to manipulate the public. Public Relations as we know it was born. PR has seedy connotations, but it is an unavoidable part of shaping public opinion. Activists must understand how it works, why it works, and in what ways it might be used ethically.
Protest formsProtests/Demonstrations, strikes, hunger strikes, civil disobedience, direct action.Learn to choose the right protest form for your goals.
What is direct action? Direct Action is means working directly on the desired goal, not extortion.You needn’t negotiate nor plead. Seize the initiative and set the example.
SystemsWhy do evil systems like capitalism work? Systems don’t exist because they are evil; they exist because they work (for someone). Understanding this is the first step to finding weak points.
Do we need a new -Ism?There is no -ism that will replace capitalism. But there are things you can do…Can we out of a holding patter by thinking out side the β€œ-ism”-box?
Public RelationsPractical workshop on managing our own PRHow to present your organization and its actions in the best light. The same rules apply to you personally.
Mind Control TechniquesPR and propaganda make use of several mind control techniques…Persuasion, when it is unrecognisable as persuasion, is mind-control.
Basic StatisticsHow to understand statistics presented in the media. Activists must be able to back up their claims with statistics, and must be able to detect when opponents have gotten tricky with theirs.
How to Read the NewsHow to determine trust in news coverage. Activists must be able to verify news articles before forwarding them.

Working Together

ClassDescriptionWhy Activists Need This
Poles of AttractionHow can we manage and form coherent working groups without hierarchies and control?This concept enables activists to work on what they want without having to force or push their own views or ways onto other people
Management of SimilarityIt is the irony of activism that most friction occurs between people who are very close on the political spectrum.Without alternative structures, we are doomed to mainstream problems.
Conflict ResolutionAll about how to work with your entourage: Friends, allies, adversaries and collaborators.Conflict resolution is the last resort, and usually exhausting. Avoid conflict altogether by being aware of your goals with each player.
Organization modelsAll about hierarchies and collective organizations. Process groups, campaign groups, Sociocracy, decision making in small groups, and more
Decision making for Small GroupsVarious collective decision making processes, and their pros and cons.Figuring out decision making tends to be the first thing groups of activists need to work out in order to work together.
Communication Trouble-shooting & Conflict ResolutionCommunicating within a group, fairly, safely, and effectively. How to avoid common problems. Effective action follows effective communication
Understanding Indirect CommunicationDiplomacy is based on indirect communication. It is the art of saying something without forcing your interlocutor to react. When working with foreigners, understanding indirect communication is better than insisting that it isn’t happening.


ClassDescriptionWhy Activists Need It
Basic Book Keeping for Small Projects/NGOsOpen Source software, basic management, German NGO bookkeeping regulations, tips and tricks.Groups without book-keeping this year are not around five years later.
PodcastingAudio recording and editingPodcasting is one of the many ways activists can broadcast about their activities.
VideoingVideo recording, lighting, tips, tricks for cameras and phones.TikTok/YouTube are one of the many ways activists can broadcast about their activities.
Film editingOpen Source software for phones and computers, editing tricks, effects, green screen etc.see above
Photo ShootingBasic skills, lighting, angle, layout/motif, arranging a Photo shooting set up (including people), light Photo editing, managing peopleFor any kinds of action, documenting and broadcasting via blogs and other media outlet, good lighting and setting are a great way to have more reach with media material
Graphic DesignBasic Graphic Design with Open Source SoftwareFlyers, Posters, Banners, Stickers
Moderating and Self-ModerationModeration skillsEspecially when managing large groups of activists, a facilitator is required.
GrantsApplying for GrantsSome NGOs may have access to certain funds and it’s important to pounce when it happens, as deadlines approach soon.
FundraisingTechniques to raise funds fastCrowdfunding is a good option to fund projects, especially if they are not supported by the government.
Event managementLearn how to organize communal meals, fundraising parties or concerts & community eventsOften times, activist groups organize event to connect with other activists and people and learn from them.


ClassDescriptionWhy Activists Need This
For programmers or those who want to learn: System AdministrationActivists need system adminsThere are many cool useful apps, also in the Open Source world, thanks to activists! πŸ™‚
Video and audio recordingHow to get a clean and attractive recording that does not distract from your messageEach video is one chance to put out one message
Video editingUse open source software to edit videosYou must keep attention to deliver a message
Graphic DesignBasic Graphic Design with Open Source SoftwareFlyers, Posters, Banners, Stickers
FundraisingTechniques to raise funds fastCrowdfunding is a good option to fund projects, especially if they are not supported by the government.


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