If the goal in life is to be the best version of yourself you can be, it is no personal achievement to cling to a point behind your own potential, even if it makes you comfy with the status quo. If that puts you at odds with civilization, then the question is, are you ahead of civilization, or are you just crazy? How do you know that you are not projecting your unsatisfactory relationship with your parents onto some aspect of civilization? You know if you have the same relationship with civilization as do people who have very different parents. In other words, you are part of a movement.
It is worth repeating this main point: if your personal evolution puts you ahead of civilization’s evolution, there is going to be friction. That friction is either going to wear you down or wear civilization down. You must choose.
“I don’t have the time.”
“I’m not sure it’s worth it.”
“What can one person do?”
In general, people do not ask whether it’s worthwhile having a religion. Nobody asks, what can one person do about religion. People make time for religion. Moreover, much money and personal sacrifice is made in the name of religion. And yet the goal of any religion is always unseen: Pleasing invisible supernatural beings or gaining entry into a hidden afterlife.
Saving your mind is a much more concrete goal. It is, stated in those terms, worthwhile. Every moment that you think, you are making time for it. Whether that time is well spent is a separate issue. What can one person do? One person can be the best version of him or herself, or can be less than that.