Module 1: Philosophy

Making a Difference

People who are concerned about the fate of the planet often ask, “What can I do to make a difference?”
This is the wrong question to ask, for three reasons…

Main Areas of Activism

There are four main areas of activism, and some might not be recognizable as activism.


No one knows the true nature of our reality. It could be a computer simulation far in the future. You could be in a coma in a hospital dreaming your present life. The only thing you can know for sure is that you are having experiences. These can be your wealth or your poverty, depending on your agency.

Moral Superiority

Can we use morality as a compass for activism?

Alternative to Morality

If moral superiority is not an appropriate basis for activism, what is? How does one choose campaigns, if not on the basis of right and wrong?

Four Reasons to Become an Activist

Are your reasons sustainable?

Management of Similarity

It is the irony of activism that most friction occurs between people who are very close on the political spectrum. Without alternative structures, we are doomed to mainstream problems.

Hierarchies and Allies

Alliances are not weird. Life is weird only when people are not in alliances. When they have no clear goals, they tend to look toward institutions that are self-justifying, like religion, democracy, or market logic. Instead, we must stay focused on effects…

Progressive Allies

Observers on the left side of the political spectrum are constantly dismayed by the power of the right. How can a party that serves so few receive support from so many?

Capitalism Always works

The issue with the middle class is that they are subject to the most heady of control systems: they are required to work hard, and they are rewarded with all the comfort that their civilization can technically offer.

There Is No Alternative To Capitalism

In the 1980s, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher made famous a certain expression, “There is no alternative,” which would go on to be the slogan for capitalism’s final victory over humanity.

More Alternatives to -Isms


If you work to pay for your landlord’s yacht, you won’t have enough time to fight the system that makes you pay for your landlord’s yacht…


Citation Journalism

An alternative model to finance journalism.

Universal Basic Income (UBI)

There is likely no future civilization without UBI.