PR responsibility

People have a natural discomfort when viewing the fun and fabulous lives promoted by social media influencers. Why? Viewers have the intuition that even where the presentation is not false, it is a very selective presentation. It is not authentic.

But what is? Civilization itself is a false reality. If reality is natural selection, then civilization is selective presentation.

Civilization is something other than what we can see and feel. It is an agreement among people about how to think and feel about what we can see. You can see the streets and buildings of your neighborhood, but how you go about them differs, depending on whether you think your city is run by warlords elected officials. Your city, run by warlords, would not be the same civilization, and perhaps no civilization at all.

Civilization is built with the manipulation of social perception, and it is arguably nothing but that. The reason we pay taxes is not that the tax authority has torture chambers; we have been convinced that taxes are essential to civilization. We queue at the supermarket, not because we will be punished for not queuing, not because we will get what we want sooner, but because we have been convinced that order is an overarching principle.

How our minds have been manipulated by teachers, parents, film, television, and so on, determine how we behave. How we behave determines what kind of civilization we have.

To refuse to participate in PR is to dump the responsibility of building civilization to others. When we are lucky, we may delegate this to the fun and fabulous, but increasingly, the slack has been picked up by religious extremists, nationalists, and racists. Civilization is built by people who are willing to do the PR; it has no mind of its own.

When public perception is manipulated by capitalism to increase consumption, that is terrible. It doesn’t mean that the manipulation of public perception is wrong. It means the message to increase consumption is short-sighted. The manipulation of public perception could have gone the other way. And it will never go the other way if capitalists are the only ones in the business of manipulating public perception.

It is the responsibility of people with a positive vision of the future to engage in PR.

Anthony has a long history of volunteering with organizations such as Amnesty International and Union for Concerned Scientists. These experiences led to the founding of the Schwarz10 project house, which provided infrastructure for activist projects, such as Rockzipfel and Extinction Rebellion. It has also provided occasional meeting space for numerous external projects. The various informational pamphlets written during this time form the basis of the Activersity curriculum.

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